Technological Optimism

Technological Optimism or Techno-optimism is the idea of understanding the possibilities of technology and still hoping and actively supporting the direction of advancements towards bettering the world. It is staying positive while enduring change, uncertainty, experimentation, and evolution. Along with being idealistic about technology it also means being open and accepting to all ideas with good intentions.

In other words, it is seeing the brighter side of technology. It is being able to see a world with less disease, less hunger, and less problems. The goal of technology is to make life easier but their are clear drawbacks with serious consequences and being techno-optimistic is believing that we can dig our way out when we create problems. Staying open to all ideas also contributes to the meaning techno-optimistic because it shows trust and faith in technology that it will make positive change.

One of the strongest examples of techno-optimism is Elon Musk’s view of technology. He understands that by investing absurd amounts of money in projects will greatly increase research and expand experimentation but it does not guarantee success. He is most known for Tesla and SpaceX which are exploring the technological frontier and have already made positive impact in the world.

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